Thursday, April 16, 2009

Reed learned to write his name today!! He can draw a circle and lines and scribble, but that is the extent of his artistic ability. As I walked into his classroom to pick him up, his teacher was asking him to write his name on his paper. He was whining about it saying he doesn't know how, etc.... She told him to just try. That's how all the kids learn to write their name. He was still fussing about it and gave it a half-hearted attempt. What do you know!? He drew an 'e'! When he realized he'd made an 'e'-- I wish I'd had my camera there to see his face! He was beaming! Smiling from ear to ear. He made a 'd' and then an 'R'. He was SO proud! (Mommy was too!!)

He practiced some more at home tonight. I know I'm biased, but he did really well!!

Seriously-- from scribbles to coherant in no time flat! We went to the mall for dinner to celebrate his achievement.

Tucking him in bed, he said tomorrow he's going to make more letters and I can clap for him some more. :)

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