Friday, June 26, 2009

On Wednesday, our little gymnast decided to do a full front flip out of her crib. I had my back to her, putting away laundry. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something go flying-- typically her babydoll. But I turned just in time to see her land flat on her back and head. AAAHHH!!! Mommy FREAKED OUT!

She was totally fine, but sadly, I knew she was done with the crib. I really don't want to ever be pregnant again, but somehow it's still really sad that we won't have a little baby in our crib again. I'm not ready for Clare to be growing up!

Nonetheless, we transitioned her crib to the toddler bed last night and Clare spent her first night in a "big girl bed". She was excited until I tried to leave her there and then she was scared. So it took some coaxing, but she decided it was ok and went to sleep.

She only fell out of bed once. (I had pillows on the floor.) But I got up to check on her about 4 times. I can't believe she's so big. What's next??? College??!!!

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